

The 道成肉身的大学 (UIW) provides educational opportunities for active-duty military seeking to develop their personal 和 professional goals. UIW offers undergraduate 和 graduate degrees in both traditional 和 non-traditional formats.

uw欢迎所有服务人员及其家属, 和 appreciates those serving to protect the rights 和 freedoms of our country. 我们是……的积极成员 军队IgnitED, 航空大学副学士-学士合作课程(AU-ABC)通识教育流动(GEM) 项目. We are also proud to participate in several collaborative 项目 with the 海军 和 the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC). We underst和 your unique needs 和 are fully committed to being military-friendly.

每个军种都有自己的指导方针, therefore active-duty students should always consult their service education office before engaging in any voluntary education endeavor.

资讯来源:U.S. 军事部门


The 道成肉身的大学 is proud to serve as an educational provider in the 航空大学的副学士到学士学位合作(AU-ABC)计划空军在线认证机会(AF COOL),以及 威斯康星大学通识教育流动项目. We are pleased to provide 项目 和 courses that are Airman 和 Guardian friendly.


The AU-ABC program is an initiative between the Air University 和 institutionally accredited civilian academic institutions to complete a four-year degree. The program maximizes the utilization of military credit career education 和 training. The AU-ABC program is directed to active-duty members in the United States 空军 和 United States 空间力量.


空军在线认证机会(AF COOL)

The 道成肉身的大学 is proud to join the 空军 Credentialing Assistance Program. Airman 和 Guardian may now request credentialing assistance to complete the following UIW Continuing Education Programs:

To learn more about the 专业研究学院 Continuing Education Programs, 请浏览 专业和继续教育 网站.


Active-duty 空军 和 空间力量 members should apply for 学费援助 through their 空军门户网站 在空军虚拟教育中心网站的帐户.

To submit a copy of your TA form each term or semester for processing 和 tracking by the UIW 业务办公室, 请浏览 军事学费资助表格 页面.

助教必须在学期开始日期之前的7 - 45天内申请.

The 道成肉身的大学 is proud to serve as an educational provider for 军队 soldiers, 国民警卫队, 陆军预备役, 军队文职人员, 以及后备军官训练队. We will not charge you or require you to do a certain number of classes in order to have us evaluate your JST. 我们立即免费为您服务!

当你完成了一个 招生程序 at UIW 和 have been admitted to your program of choice, 军队 students must create an 军队IgnitEd user account to confirm the name of the institution, degree level, 和 degree choice. To apply for degrees not offered by the 专业研究学院, visit the GoUIW页面.

一旦你完成了在UIW的课程注册,你就可以参军了 现役和后备成员 必须通过 军队IgnitED 在学期开始日期之前.

名现役陆军, 陆军国民警卫队, 和使用学费援助的陆军预备役人员也必须完成 uw军事学费援助 form each term or semester for processing 和 tracking by the UIW 业务办公室.


The 道成肉身的大学 is proud to join the 军队 Credentialing Assistance Program. Soldiers may now request credentialing assistance to complete the following UIW Continuing Education Programs:


助教必须在学期开始日期前的7 - 60天内申请.

The 道成肉身的大学 is proud to serve as an educational provider for the 海岸警卫队. 我们很高兴提供对军方友好的项目和课程.

了解或申请 海岸警卫队学费援助(TA)福利.

To submit a copy of your TA form each term or semester for processing 和 tracking by the UIW 业务办公室, 请浏览 军事学费资助表格 页面.

TA must be requested during a 7 - 90 days window 在学期开始日期之前.

The 道成肉身的大学 is proud to serve as an educational provider for the 海军陆战队. 我们很高兴提供对军方友好的项目和课程 和 fit your current lifestyle.

了解更多有关 海军陆战队申请学费援助的流程(TA). 海军陆战队请求TA通过 WebTA网站 (需要登录).

To submit a copy of your TA form each term or semester for processing 和 tracking by the UIW 业务办公室, 请浏览 军事学费资助表格 页面.

TA must be requested during a 1 - 60 days window 在学期开始日期之前.

The 道成肉身的大学 is proud to offer educational excellence with the most flexible online options to help you meet your goals—whether you are onshore or at sea.

了解更多有关 水手申请学费援助的流程(TA).

To submit a copy of your TA form each term or semester for processing 和 tracking by the UIW 业务办公室, 请浏览 军事学费资助表格 页面.

TA must be requested during a 7 - 120 days window 在学期开始日期之前.

The 道成肉身的大学 is proud to serve as an educational provider for Guardians. 我们很高兴提供对太空部队友好的项目和课程.


Active-duty 空间力量 members should apply for 学费援助 through the 空军门户网站 在空军虚拟教育中心网站的帐户.

To submit a copy of your TA form each term or semester for processing 和 tracking by the UIW 业务办公室, 请浏览 军事学费资助表格 页面.

助教必须在学期开始日期之前的7 - 45天内申请.


任何有资格使用空军学费援助(TA)的学生, 军队, 海岸警卫队, 海军陆战队, 海军, 和 空间力量 must submit the approved 和 signed TA form to the 业务办公室 for processing. Students who fail to turn in their approved TA forms will be held responsible for the balance.



uw很自豪能成为国防部SkillBridge的活跃合作伙伴, 和 we have the privilege of hosting many of these Servicemembers within our schools 和 departments. 在这种互利的安排下, 服务人员为威斯康星大学提供了宝贵的帮助, 作为回报, 我们为他们提供有意义的平民工作经验.



If you are using TA to pay for your education 和 withdraw from a class prior to completing 60 percent of the class, the Department of Defense (DoD) requires that UIW return any unearned TA funds to the DoD based on how much of the course you completed 和 that you pay a portion of those returned funds. You may owe a portion of your tuition to UIW 和 a portion to your military branch.




专业研究学院招生 or 百老汇校园招生

*空军学生申请an AU-ABC学位课程 should type "AU-ABC" on the “Provide any additional information” field located on the "Certification 和 Signature" tab in the UIW application.
**Active-duty students receive additional benefits through the 专业研究学院.


提交电子成绩单至 admissiondocs@uiwtx.edu.

*JST transcripts are requested by UIW upon servicemember approval on the application.

一旦你被学校录取并通过电子邮件表示欢迎, 你将被指派一名学术顾问,并提供进一步的指导.


登录 基本的应用 进入Bannerweb开始注册程序.

参观 网上报名页面 查找注册说明.

Schedule an appointment with the Military Programs Coordinator to answer your tuition assistance questions by visiting 微软预订.

您也可以通过电话(210)829-2704或给我发电子邮件 pfiala@uiwtx.edu.
